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Professional accounting and business services for financial services and asset management companies, including tax compliance, financial reporting, and risk management

Arete Capital can help advise on the financing options available to you for your new aircraft. 

Structure Matters. Structuring your assets in the right way helps distinguish between personal and corporate use. Consequently, it helps you keep your tax bills down by paying the correct amount of tax to HMRC, rather than overpaying.  Arete Capital can support you by structuring the asset purchase to be as cost and tax effective as possible. 

When applying to VAT register a helicopter business, HMRC sends out a supplementary VAT questionnaire form. Most people miss that this is not a straightforward questionnaire, but a highly technical document – and therefore get tripped up by providing non-technical answers, which can jeopardise their VAT application and VAT refund.  This takes more time and money to rectify than getting advice on the form from the start.  

The benefit in kind trap is one of the most common tax errors in helicopter ownership. HMRC distinguishes between company use and personal use. There are strict rules on what is designated as personal or company use. Should you run foul of these standards you could end up paying for it through unnecessary additional taxation.

There are a variety of tax rules encompassing your helicopter purchase. Arete Capital can help you avoid the common errors with helicopter purchases that all too often lead to owners paying more tax than they need to. We will help you navigate the completion of the highly technical, supplementary VAT registration questions, guide you through the VAT recovery process as well as advise with ongoing running costs of the helicopter, such as fuel, insurance and general maintenance. 

The fee we quote is the fee you pay, with no hidden surprises: our fees are standard rates, published on our website. You pay not just for the filing of your accounts, but for the expertise that adds value, net of fees to your current tax position.  


Tony Jason is not just an expert with the numbers. He’s a trained helicopter pilot, flying both the Robinson R66, and R44 helicopters. Tony acts as a judge for the British section of the World Helicopter Championships under the auspices of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale. With more than a decade and a half of flying experience, Tony is well placed to use his knowledge of UK company and tax law to help his clients get the most from their aviation assets and tax situation.  

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